Thursday 3 June 2010

A letter to my sister

I know your world has changed with the arrival of your beautiful baby and within all the congratulations, gifts and celebration it's easy to feel completely lost by it all.

Your baby is very lucky to have you. I watch you with him and you're a natural. I know you don't believe it but you are. I remember when my son was born and how the moment he was in my arms I felt such a fierce protection for him that my heart ached at the thought that any harm should come to him. I see that same ache mirrored in you. I know it's difficult at times. There is a reason why sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture and will break even the strongest of men! Yet, there you are night after night barely sleeping ; following a relentless cycle of feeding and nappy changing...

Don't judge yourself and don't care for eyes that judge you too. You are still who were 1 month ago. You are still the same person who remained calm in the most chaotic of situations. You are still the same person who friends turned too for advice, family leaned on for love and support and strangers would comment on the calm and peace that illuminated from you. This is you who are. I have always said how your inner core is a peaceful and calm spirit, beautiful, self reliant and strong.

It is confusing at times when you become a mum for the first time. Because you love this baby so much with every part of you. Perhaps, even for the first time you love something so much that the sheer force of this feeling frightens you. But then your world also becomes chaotic and disordered and it is hard to create a balance. I know this is difficult for you because balance and order are so important to you. Not only that but you have always helped others to have balance and order in their lives too.

Your world will feel more ordered again but the balance may always be uneven due to the intensity of love you feel as a mother.

Even with the sleep deprivation, raging hormones and shift in the way you now view the world, cherish every moment of this. I remember staying up for through the night watching my baby fall asleep. Waiting for his eyelids to grow heavier...just watching...

Watch romcoms, Friends...laugh a little each day. Sleep when you want and if you want to leave your place in a mess, do so. Go out often and introduce your baby to your world. Create a world of laughter, light and knowledge because this is what will be part of the essence of your baby.

You, my baby sister, are an amazing mother. You have a baby that will grow in to a man who will take his place amongst the achievers because it is your essence that shall be in his core.

Welcome to motherhood x

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